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Login Register. About Publication and Open Access Policy Take Down Policy University Privacy Notice University News Library UDo. Display statistics. E-government iImplementation and adoption: the case study of Botswana Government. Export CSV RefMan EndNote BibTex RefWorks. PhD Thesis Racious M Moatshe Authors Moatshe, Racious M.
Advisors Antonopoulos, Nikolaos Horton, Keith. Issue Date Metadata Show full item record. Abstract ABSTRACT The advancements in the ICT and internet technologies challenge governments to engage in the electronic transformation of public services and information provision to citizens. The capability to reach citizens in the physical world via e-government platform and render a citizen-centric public sector has increasingly become vital.
Thus, spending more resources to promote and ensure that all members of society are included in the entire spectrum of information society and more actively access government online is a critical aspect in establishing a successful e-government project. Every e-government programme requires a clear idea of the proposed benefits to citizens, phd thesis on e government, the challenges to overcome and the level of institutional reform that has to take place for e- government to be a success in a given context.
E-government strategy is fundamental to transforming and modernising the public phd thesis on e government through identification of key influential elements or strategy factors and ways of interacting with citizens. Botswana has recently embarked on e-government implementation initiatives that started with the e-readiness assessment conducted infollowed by enactment of the National ICT policy of and the approval of the e-government strategy approved in for dedicated implementation in the financial year.
Significant developments have taken place around national and international connectivity including initiatives that offer connectivity to citizens such as the I- partnership, community run Nteletsa projects, post office run tele-centres and Sesigo projects that have been deployed on a wider Botswana.
This position has contributed largely to low e-readiness indices for Botswana, low PC, Internet and broadband penetration levels, which do not commensurate with levels of connectivity initiatives already in place and operational. The strategy development, which is the viability business plan for the entire project has been initiated and concluded without the appropriate input of citizens, employees and local government structures at the districts. Considering that that e-government is new and narrowly researched in Botswana.
This culminates in the proposal of both theoretically supported and empirically validated e-government strategy framework phd thesis on e government citizen centric conceptual model.
The study utilises the mixed methods research, employing both qualitative and quantitative methods to address the research question and triangulated data collection phd thesis on e government used to select survey sample for two questionnaire sets carried on opinion holders within government and non government structures and ordinary citizens, use of observations on operating tele-centres, interviews with key e-government strategic stakeholders and document analysis which included e-government policies and related documentations as well as extensive review of e-government published literature including applied implementation and citizens adoption experiences of developing and developed countries.
In the analysis of data the multiple regression analysis has been utilised and multivariate analysis performed to ensure linearity, normality and collinearity. The linear regression has been used to test the hypothesis through the Analysis of variance ANOVA technique. Keywords E-government, strategy critical success factors, key influential elements, citizen centric conceptual model, phd thesis on e government, strategy framework, Botswana.
Publisher University of Derby. Type Thesis or dissertation. Language en. Export search results.
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